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Friends Who Buy Guitars 


By Sharon Lea


Making magic
on a Sunday night
or Wednesday jam
friends who buy guitars
one is never enough
collectors of great sounds
friendships go way back
or feel like they have
a brotherhood really
and then ladies of soul
making heartfelt music
a sisterhood of sorts
who bring funk and soul
good ol rock n roll
taking you to heights
and depths of blues
electric dance moves
and some laughter
making magic
on a Sunday night
or Wednesday jam
can bring strangers
and yes even foes
and for a few minutes
the rhythms tame differences
music connects dots
those who make music
those who love music
and those who understand
one more guitar is necessary
like air is to breathe

music is magic

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© 2019 by Sharon Lea Poetry

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Special Illustrations by Peggy Milovina

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